December 24
SFP Server is a backend service that provides essential functionality for managing Salesforce deployments, running background tasks, handling authentication, and storing deployment metadata. The server can be run as multiple isolated tenants, each serving different teams or purposes.
The SFP Server consists of several key components:
API Server: Core application server providing REST APIs
Worker Services:
Critical Workers: High-priority tasks needing immediate processing
Normal Workers: Regular priority operations
Batch Workers: Background and non-time-critical tasks
Supporting Services:
Redis: Message queue and task orchestration
Caddy: Reverse proxy and SSL termination
Document Store: Metadata and configuration storage
The SFP Server exposes several key APIs:
OAuth callback handling
Application token management
Salesforce org authentication management
Submit and manage background tasks
Support for immediate, scheduled, and recurring tasks
Priority-based task routing
Task status monitoring and cancellation
Key-value store for configuration
Collection-based document storage
Version-controlled document management
Operation-based log aggregation
Log retention and cleanup
Tenant Isolation:
Use separate tenants for different teams/purposes
Maintain independent configurations per tenant
Worker Scaling:
Scale critical workers based on time-sensitive operations
Adjust batch workers for background processing load
Monitor queue lengths to optimize worker counts
Use status command for health checks
Monitor logs for specific services
Track task completion rates and failures
Updates and Maintenance:
Schedule updates during low-activity periods
Test changes in development tenant first
Keep regular configuration backups
Note: For production deployments, ensure proper security configurations and monitoring are in place.
Warning: The server requires specific environment configurations and prerequisites. Ensure all requirements are met before initialization.