@flxbl-io/sfp impact
Utilities to help you understand the impact of various components in sfp
@flxbl-io/sfp impact package
@flxbl-io/sfp impact releaseconfig
@flxbl-io/sfp impact package
Figures out impacted packages of a project, due to a change from the last known tags
See code: src/commands/impact/package.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp impact releaseconfig
Figures out impacted release configurations of a project, due to a change,from the last known tags
See code: src/commands/impact/releaseconfig.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp pool
Build and manage scratch org or sandbox pools
@flxbl-io/sfp pool delete
@flxbl-io/sfp pool fetch
@flxbl-io/sfp pool list
@flxbl-io/sfp pool metrics publish
@flxbl-io/sfp pool org delete
@flxbl-io/sfp pool prepare
@flxbl-io/sfp pool delete
Deletes the pooled scratch orgs from the Scratch Org Pool
See code: src/commands/pool/delete.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp pool fetch
Gets an active/unused scratch org from the scratch org pool
See code: src/commands/pool/fetch.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp pool list
Retrieves a list of active scratch org and details from any pool. If this command is run with -m|--mypool, the command will retrieve the passwords for the pool created by the user who is executing the command.
See code: src/commands/pool/list.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp pool metrics publish
Publish metrics about scratch org pools to your observability platform, via StatsD or direct APIs for supported platforms
See code: src/commands/pool/metrics/publish.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp pool org delete
Deletes a particular scratch org in the pool, This command is to be used in a pipeline with correct permissions to delete any active scratch org record or to be used by an adminsitrator
See code: src/commands/pool/org/delete.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp pool prepare
Prepare a pool of scratchorgs with all the packages upfront, so that any incoming change can be validated in an optimized manner
See code: src/commands/pool/prepare.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp repo
Manage your project repository
@flxbl-io/sfp repo patch
@flxbl-io/sfp repo patch
Generate a dynamic branch with the packages patched to the contents as mentioned in the release config file
See code: src/commands/repo/patch.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp metrics
Report metrics to sfp supported metric providers
@flxbl-io/sfp metrics report
@flxbl-io/sfp metrics report
Report a custom metric to any sfp supported metric provider
See code: src/commands/metrics/report.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp changelog
Track your artifacts & user stories as they progress through different environments, with release changelogs
@flxbl-io/sfp changelog generate
@flxbl-io/sfp changelog generate
Generates release changelog, providing a summary of artifact versions, work items and commits introduced in a release. Creates a release definition based on artifacts contained in the artifact directory, and compares it to previous release definition in changelog stored on a source repository
See code: src/commands/changelog/generate.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp validate
Validate a change in your project repository
@flxbl-io/sfp validate org
@flxbl-io/sfp validate pool
@flxbl-io/sfp validate org
Validate a change in your project repository against a provided org
See code: src/commands/validate/org.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp validate pool
Validate a change in your project repository against a scratch org prepared by the prepare command
See code: src/commands/validate/pool.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp artifacts
Manage artifacts for a project
@flxbl-io/sfp artifacts fetch
@flxbl-io/sfp artifacts promote
@flxbl-io/sfp artifacts query
@flxbl-io/sfp artifacts fetch
Fetch sfp artifacts from a NPM compatible registry using a release definition file
See code: src/commands/artifacts/fetch.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp artifacts promote
Promotes artifacts predominantly for unlocked packages with code coverage greater than 75%
See code: src/commands/artifacts/promote.ts
@flxbl-io/sfp artifacts query
Fetch details about artifacts installed in a target org
See code: src/commands/artifacts/query.ts