sfops November 24 (v30.5.0 - v30.5.1) brings the following updates
Update sfdx-scanner to v4.7.0
sfdx-scanner used in the sfops image is now updated to v4.7.0 , This means existing PMD configurations in your project repository (pmd-rulesets) now have to be updated
Flxbl Managed instances will have a pull request open with the necessary PMD configuration, Self Managed users can utilize the latest rules in your sfops repository here/
Update to GitHub related actions
Few GitHub actions which have been deprecated have been updated to the latest versions,
GitHub Integration
sfops dev central, now features a GitHub integration executed via Flxbl's Global Supabase instance. All Flxbl Managed instances will utilize this instance to handle authentication. This Global Supabase instance is more of an Auth provider and orchestrates OAuth-based authentication in DevCentral
This is controlled via _config.yml in your devcentral (sfops-dashboard0 repository under the following section
For self-hosted users, or managed instance users who do not wish to use the authentication, please feel free to comment on this section in your config (_config.yaml file in devcentral repo)
Utilizing this configuration, dev central can offer tighter integrations with Github. These integrations will be rolled out progressively over the coming releases
Please note your GitHub Admin has to authorize Flxbl's GitHub Connector App for authentication to work

Create Issues directly from DevCentral
Enabling GitHub integration with DevCentral will unlock the ability to create issues directly without opening up a new tab

Duplicate Release Issue Detection
Utilizing the GitHub Integration, sfops will now be able to detect if an existing issue is opened for a particular release prompting your team members with an alert

Last updated