Check Review Environment Status

Checks the status of review environments assigned to a specific pull request/issue.


sfp reviewenv check --repository <owner/repo> --issue <issue> [--pool <pool>] [--poolType <type>] [--branch <branch>]


  • --repository: The repository path that stores the pool lock (default: current repo).

  • --issue: The pull request number to assign the environment to, or a unique id that will be used subsequently to identify (required).

  • --pool: The name of the pool to filter by (optional).

  • --poolType: The type of the pool to filter by, either sandbox or scratchorg (optional).

  • --branch: The pull request branch to filter by (optional).


  1. Searches the repository's stored environment data for environments associated with the specified issue.

  2. Returns details of any found environments, including:

    • Environment name or username

    • Environment type (sandbox or scratch org)

    • Pool the environment belongs to

    • Associated pull request branch

    • Environment status and expiration date


  • This command is typically used as needed, not within the regular pull request workflow.

  • It's useful for verifying environment details or troubleshooting.

Last updated