Transition Review Environment Status

Updates the status of a review environment assigned to a specific issue.


sfp reviewenv transition --repository <owner/repo> --issue <issue> --status <status>


  • --repository: The repository path that stores the pool lock (default: current repo).

  • --issue: The pull request number to assign the environment to, or a unique id that will be used subsequently to identify (required).

  • --status: The status to transition the review environment to (required). Options: 'InUse', 'Available', 'Expired'


  1. Locates the environment assigned to the specified issue.

  2. Updates the status of the environment to the specified status.

Status Meanings

  • 'InUse': The environment is currently being used by automated checks or another automated process.

  • 'Available': The environment is available for reuse by another automation within the same issue's context.

  • 'Expired': The environment will be picked up by Pool commands for deletion.


  • This command doesn't reflect the state of the pull request, but rather the current usage state of the environment within the issue's context.

  • Transitioning to 'Available' before the lease expires allows for efficient reuse within the same issue.

Last updated