Fetch a Review Environment

Fetches a review environment from a specified pool and assigns it to a pull request/issue.


sfp reviewenv fetch --repository <owner/repo> --pool <pool> --poolType <type> --branch <branch> --issue <issue> [--devhubAlias <alias>] [--wait <minutes>] [--leaseFor <minutes>]


  • --repository: The repository path that stores the pool lock (default: current repo).

  • --pool: The name of the pool to fetch the review environment from (required).

  • --poolType: The type of the pool, either sandbox or scratchorg (required).

  • --branch: The pull request branch to fetch the environment for (required).

  • --issue: The pull request number to assign the environment to, or a unique id that will be used subsequently to identify (required).

  • --devhubAlias: The DevHub alias associated with the pool (default: devhub).

  • --wait: Time in minutes to wait for an environment to become available (default: 20).

  • --leaseFor: Time in minutes typically this environment is leased for during similar operations


  1. Checks if an environment is already assigned to the issue.

  2. If assigned, verifies if the previous lease has expired based on the leaseFor duration. If a job has not released the environment within the earlier mentioned leaseFor, the new job will be provided the environment

  3. If no environment is assigned or the environment assigned to the issue has expired, fetches a new environment from the pool.

  4. Automatically marks the fetched or reassigned environment as "InUse".

  5. Waits for up to the specified wait time if no environment is immediately available.


  • The environment remains valid for 24 hours from assignment, regardless of the leaseFor duration.

  • The leaseFor parameter determines how long the current process can use the environment before it becomes available for reassignment for a different job within the same issue.

Last updated