Defining a pool

Pools are defined by creating a pool definition file. The file can be placed in a directory within your repository.

The below configuration details a pool with tag 'DEV-POOL' allocated with 20 scratch orgs. Read on below to understand other configurations that are available

    "tag": "DEV-POOL",
    "maxAllocation": 20,
    "expiry": 10,
    "batchSize": 10,
    "configFilePath": "config/project-scratch-def.json",
    "relaxAllIPRanges": true,
    "installAll": true,
    "enableSourceTracking": true,
    "retryOnFailure": true,
    "succeedOnDeploymentErrors": true,
    "fetchArtifacts": {
        "npm": {
            "scope": "myproject",

The latest JSON schema for scratch org pool configuration can be found here.​ The pool prepare command accepts a JSON configuration file that defines settings and attributes of the scratch org pool. The properties accepted by the configuration file are shown in the table below.

Last updated