
SFP-Pro provides Docker images through our self-hosted Gitea registry at source.flxbl.io. These pre-built images are maintained and updated regularly with the latest features and security patches.


  1. Access to source.flxbl.io (Gitea server)

  2. Docker installed on your machine

  3. Registry credentials from your welcome email

Accessing the Images

  1. Login to the Gitea registry:

docker login source.flxbl.io -u your-username
  1. Pull the desired image:

The version numbers can be found at https://source.flxbl.io/flxbl/-/packages/container/sfp-pro/

# For base sfp-pro image
docker pull source.flxbl.io/sfp-pro:version

# For sfp-pro with SF CLI
docker pull source.flxbl.io/sfp-pro-sf-cli:version
  1. (Optional) Tag for your registry:

# Tag for your registry
docker tag source.flxbl.io/sfp-pro:version your-registry/sfp-pro:version

# Push to your registry
docker push your-registry/sfp-pro:version

Best Practices

  1. Use specific version tags in production

  2. Cache images in your private registry for better performance

  3. Implement proper access controls in your registry

  4. Document image versions used in your pipelines

Building Docker Images

If you need to build the images yourself, you can access the source code from source.flxbl.io and follow these instructions:


  • Docker with BuildKit support

  • GitHub Personal Access Token with packages:read permissions

  • Node.js (for local development)

Building the Main Image

# Create a file containing your  GITEA token
echo "YOUR_GITEA_TOKEN" > .npmrc.token

# Build the image
docker buildx build \
  --secret id=npm_token,src=.npmrc.token \
  --build-arg NODE_MAJOR=22 \
  -f dockerfiles/sfp-pro.Dockerfile \
  -t sfp-pro:local .

# Remove the token file
rm .npmrc.token

Building the SF CLI Image

# Create a file containing your GitHub NPM token
echo "YOUR_GITEA_TOKEN" > .npmrc.token

# Build the image
docker buildx build \
  --secret id=npm_token,src=.npmrc.token \
  --build-arg NODE_MAJOR=22 \
  -f dockerfiles/sfp-pro-sf-cli.Dockerfile \
  -t sfp-pro-sf-cli:local .

# Remove the token file
rm .npmrc.token

Build Arguments

The following build arguments are supported:

  • NODE_MAJOR: Node.js major version (default: 22)

  • SFP_VERSION: Version of SFP Pro to build

  • GIT_COMMIT: Git commit hash for versioning

  • SF_COMMIT_ID: Salesforce commit ID


For issues or questions about Docker images, please contact flxbl support through your designated support channels.

Last updated

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