Generate a dynamic branch with the packages patched to the contents as mentioned in the release config file
$ @flxbl-io/sfp repo patch -p <value> -s <value> -t <value> [--scope <value> [--npm | -f <value>]]
[--npmrcpath <value> ] [-g <value>] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]
-f, --scriptpath=<value> (Optional: no-NPM) Path to script that authenticates and downloads artifacts from
the registry
-g, --logsgroupsymbol=<value>... Symbol used by CICD platform to group/collapse logs in the console. Provide an
opening group, and an optional closing group symbol.
-p, --releasedefinitions=<value>... (required) Path to release definiton yaml
-s, --sourcebranchname=<value> (required) Name of the source branch to be used on which the alignment need to be
-t, --targetbranchname=<value> (required) Name of the target branch to be created after the alignment
--loglevel=<option> [default: info] logging level for this command invocation
<options: trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL>
--npm Download artifacts from a pre-authenticated private npm registry
--npmrcpath=<value> Path to .npmrc file used for authentication to registry. If left blank, defaults
to home directory
--scope=<value> (required for NPM) User or Organisation scope of the NPM package
Generate a dynamic branch with the packages patched to the contents as mentioned in the release config file
$ sfp repo:patch -n <releaseName>