Create Sandbox

Create a new Salesforce sandbox org.

This command creates a new sandbox org from a source org (production or another sandbox). You can specify the sandbox configuration using command-line options or a definition file.


$ sfp sandbox:create -v <string> -n <string> -s <string> [flags]
$ sfp org:create:sandbox -v <string> -n <string> -s <string> [flags]



$ sfp sandbox:create -v MyDevHub -n MySandbox1 -s SourceSandbox

Sandbox Definition File

If using a definition file, create a JSON file (default location: config/sandbox-def.json) with the following structure:

  "sandboxName": "MySandbox",
  "description": "My sandbox description",
  "sourceSandbox": "SourceSandboxName",
  "apexClassId": "01p...",
  "autoActivate": true,
  "copyChatter": true,
  "copyArchivedActivities": true,
  "licenseType": "Developer",
  "templateId": "0TT...",
  "historyDays": 0

Note: When using a definition file, the --name and --sourcesandbox flags are ignored.

Last updated