Troubleshooting Unlocked Packages Build Failure Due to Code Coverage

This page provides information on a common issue encountered when building unlocked packages in Salesforce that do not contain any Apex code but still fail due to code coverage requirements.

Possible Causes and Solutions

  1. unpackagedMetadata or apexTestAccess properties: Check if you are using the unpackagedMetadata or apexTestAccess properties on the package in sfdx-project.json. In this case, these properties were not used.

  2. Snapshot build org: If you are using a snapshot build org and have deployed Apex classes to the initial scratch org that you made a snapshot of, then Salesforce will execute Apex tests (RunAllLocalTests). However, Salesforce probably wouldn't run the apex tests at all if there were none in the package you were verifying.

  3. Creating a class and testing it: As a workaround, you can create a class and test it. This seems to be a bug, but it's not confirmed.

Last updated