Initializing SFP server

sfp (community)



December 24

The sfp server init command initializes a new SFP server tenant with all necessary configurations, services, and secret management. This command sets up the complete infrastructure required for running an SFP server instance.


sfp server init -t <tenant-name> [flags]



-t, --tenant


Name of the tenant. Must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens

-m, --mode


Environment mode: dev or prod (default: dev)

-f, --force


Force initialization even if tenant already exists

-i, --interactive


Enable/disable interactive mode for configuration (default: true)

-d, --domain


Custom domain for the server. Required in prod mode



Comma-separated worker counts for critical,normal,batch (default: "1,1,1")



Secret management provider to use (default: "infisical")

Secret Provider Options

The command supports multiple secret management providers, each with its own configuration flags:


  • --infisical-token: Authentication token for Infisical

Azure Key Vault

  • --keyvault-url: URL of the Azure Key Vault

  • --keyvault-tenant-id: Azure tenant ID

  • --keyvault-client-id: Azure client ID

  • --keyvault-client-secret: Azure client secret

AWS Secrets Manager

  • --aws-region: AWS region

  • --aws-access-key-id: AWS access key ID

  • --aws-secret-access-key: AWS secret access key

HashiCorp Vault

  • --vault-url: URL of the HashiCorp Vault

  • --vault-token: Authentication token for Vault


  1. Initialize a development server:

sfp server init --tenant my-app
  1. Initialize a production server with Infisical:

sfp server init --tenant my-app --mode prod --secrets-provider infisical --infisical-token mytoken
  1. Initialize with Azure Key Vault:

sfp server init --tenant my-app --mode prod \
  --secrets-provider azure-keyvault \
  1. Initialize with custom worker configuration:

sfp server init --tenant my-app --worker-counts 2,3,1


  1. Directory Structure: Creates a structured directory layout under ./sfp-server/tenants/<tenant-name> containing:

    • Configuration files

    • Secret management setup

    • Docker compose files

    • Service configurations

  2. Environment Setup:

    • Development Mode: Sets up local development environment with default configurations

    • Production Mode: Configures production-ready setup with specified domain and secret management

  3. Services Configuration:

    • Configures Docker services

    • Sets up database schema and migrations

    • Initializes worker processes

    • Configures reverse proxy (Caddy)

  4. Secret Management:

    • Integrates with specified secrets provider

    • Sets up secure storage and access patterns

    • Configures necessary authentication

Error Handling

The command will fail with appropriate error messages in the following scenarios:

  • Invalid tenant name format

  • Missing required provider-specific configuration

  • Existing tenant without force flag

  • Invalid worker count format

  • Failed service initialization


After successful initialization, the command outputs:

  • Tenant URL and access details

  • Available management commands

  • Service status information

You can manage the initialized server using other sfp server commands:

sfp server logs <tenant>     # View server logs
sfp server status <tenant>   # Check server status
sfp server stop <tenant>     # Stop server
sfp server update <tenant>   # Update server configuration

Note: For production deployments, ensure you have configured your domain DNS settings and have necessary SSL certificates before initialization.

Warning: The --force flag will overwrite existing configurations. Use with caution in production environments.

Last updated